The HK Prize and the HK Global Development Prize

The hk prize is an incredible way to reward high school students for their hard work. It offers them the chance to win a monetary prize and visit Hong Kong’s premier research facilities. More importantly, it encourages more people to participate in science, which is essential for our economy and healthcare access. The hk prize is run by an independent expert panel, and its decisions are final.

The prize, which is given out annually, is intended to recognize scientific innovation, application and transformational impact. It is a tribute to the Hong Kong spirit and serves as a platform to promote scientific research in the city. The judging process is independent of sponsorship and personal interests, making it one of the most competitive science prizes in Asia.

Last year’s winners included journalists who risked their lives to expose human rights abuses, activists who were jailed for standing up for freedom of speech and professors who invented liquid biopsy to help doctors detect cancer faster. These individuals are a testament to the resilience of humanity and the ability of individuals to thrive even in difficult circumstances.

This year’s finalists included students who used technology to assist homeless people and artists who reinterpreted human rights concepts into fine art concepts. They all serve as inspiration to all of us to continue to push forward and pursue our goals despite the challenges that we face. In addition to the monetary prize, finalists will also receive scholarships that can help them with their studies.

The Hong Kong Prize is a highly competitive award for individuals who excel in their respective fields. Applicants will be selected based on their research, innovativeness, and impact on society. The competition is open to Southeast Asian residents, mainland Chinese, and international citizens. The award is designed to promote science in Hong Kong and around the world.

In 2022, China Daily’s HK Edition captured an astounding 113 awards at the News Awards, including four arts and culture journalism victories. Senior reporter Xi Tianqi won two runner-up awards with her series on Hong Kong’s efforts to become a cultural hub, and copy editor James Cook earned first runner-up for his innovative story In the Green Fast Lane that highlighted the city’s efforts to speed up adoption of electric vehicles.

The HK Global Development Prize is a HK$5,000 contest that seeks to gather innovative ideas on how Hong Kong can contribute to promoting international development and shape its role on the global stage. The contest is open to all, including NGOs and private sector companies. It is important to read the rules and regulations thoroughly before submitting your entry, as there are strict criteria that must be met to be considered for the prize. The top ten finalists will receive cash prizes, shopping vouchers and F&B perks. In addition, a prestigious Hong Kong-themed trophy will be awarded to each winner. For more information, please visit the official website.

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