How Domino Can Be Used As a Math and Language Arts Teaching Tool

Domino, pronounced “dominoh,” is a small flat rectangular block used as a gaming object. It is often used to create a board to play games, such as tic tac toe or battleships. It also can be used to build structures such as towers, walls and pyramids. In addition to its use as a game, domino can be used to teach math and language arts skills.

In addition to the traditional white and black tiles, many sets of dominoes are made from other materials. These include natural stone (e.g., marble, granite and soapstone); dark hardwoods such as ebony or cherry; and even metals like brass or pewter. These sets offer a more traditional look and feel than the polymer dominoes typically found in most stores.

Although they are not used as a teaching tool in many schools, dominoes can be an excellent tool for introducing students to the concept of commutative property of addition. To demonstrate this concept, a teacher can choose two dominoes with different numbers on each end. The teacher then asks the class to name an addition equation that represents the relation between the total number of dots on each domino and the number of dots on each end.

Another great way to use domino is for children to make domino art. This can be done with the traditional white and black tiles, as well as other colors of tile. It can be as simple or as complex as the child wishes. The results are often very impressive.

When a student makes a domino art project, the teacher should be sure to supervise the activity. This is especially important for younger students who may be using sharp tools.

The Domino Effect

A domino has a much greater power than most people realize. In a 1983 experiment, University of British Columbia physics professor Lorne Whitehead proved that a single domino could knock down objects more than one-and-a-half times its size. This demonstration clearly demonstrates the incredible power of a domino, and it also illustrates the need to be careful when playing this game.

The domino has been a popular game for centuries, and it continues to be played in countries all over the world. This game is easy to learn and can be a great way for families and friends to spend time together. There are a variety of ways to play domino, and the rules vary by country. The most basic rule is to begin with a set of 28 dominoes. There are seven doubles (having the same number on both ends from double blank to double six) and 21 singles (having a number on one end and a blank on the other).

When Domino’s was struggling with low customer satisfaction ratings, its previous CEO, David Brandon, knew that something had to change. He began listening to his customers, and this was the turning point for Domino’s. Since then, the company has been able to deliver on their promise of being a champion for their customers. This is evidenced by the fact that Domino’s has not been afraid to try new things, such as a more relaxed dress code and an employee survey.

Cross-Border Data Transfers

When a Hong Kong data user transfers personal data to another jurisdiction, he needs to be aware of and comply with the applicable data protection laws. These include the Hong Kong Personal Data Protection Ordinance (PDPO) and its six data protection principles. The PDPO establishes data subject rights and specific obligations for data users. In addition, there is extensive guidance that sets out how to fulfil these obligations in respect of cross-border transfers. This guidance includes recommended model contractual clauses that can be included in contracts between data users and data processors. These models can be in the form of separate agreements, as schedules to a main commercial agreement or as contractual provisions within the main commercial agreement.

The PICS requires a data user to expressly inform a data subject on or before the collection of his personal data of the purposes for which his personal data is collected and the classes of persons to whom the data may be transferred. The PICS further stipulates that the personal data cannot be used for a purpose not contemplated in the PICS without the voluntary and express consent of the data subject. Transferring personal data to another class of person or for a purpose not contemplated in a PICS would constitute a new use and therefore a new PICS would be required.

Cross-border data flow is a vital element of Hong Kong’s economic life and the facilitating free movement of personal information is one of the key features of Hong Kong’s legislative regime. However, increased cross-border data flow can also raise issues relating to the privacy of personal data. These issues can be resolved by the proper application of the PDPO and its DPPs.

A growing number of businesses in Hong Kong are involved in cross-border data transfers and will need to consider a PDPO-based PICS or undertaking and the associated contractual arrangements. These transfers are most frequently related to the movement of personal data from the Mainland under the “one country, two systems” principle and to businesses operating in the EU.

Unlike some other jurisdictions, the PDPO does not contain a statutory restriction on the transfer of personal data out of Hong Kong. This does not mean, however, that Hong Kong does not have data protection safeguards in respect of these transfers. There is a wide range of guidance and recommended model contractual clauses to protect data in these situations. This includes the obligation to carry out a transfer impact assessment and the requirement that a contract with the recipient include certain data protection clauses.

In addition, the PCPD has published an extensive guide to data transfers and recommended model clauses to be included in contracts involving these transfer arrangements. The guide is based on the concept of “control” and is designed to allow data users to fulfil their PDPO obligations in respect of cross-border data transfers. This guidance is an important resource for anyone who is managing data transfers between entities in different jurisdictions.